ESTUDIO for Ukulele

This guitar study is about 200 years old and harbors several great lessons that will help us with preparing for the next level of technical mastery. While the original key is A-minor, I have arranged it for ukulele in the key of D-minor as the fingering will be very similar to the guitar original and as it will offer most of the same rewards such as getting the fingers to get really fast at ‘getting out of the way’ - meaning, to fret a note and acquire the skill of using the very tip of the fingers tip in order to not be too shallow in angle where the finger touches the adjacent string and, therefore, keeps it for sounding.

Another one of these great lessons is the realization of how much better the pice sounds if we aim to letting each of the notes sustain equally long. About that, when switching from one chord to the next, listen for how it sounds so much better when the last note of a chord sounds just as long as the notes right before it.

Enjoy and please share!